Monday, August 3, 2009

Just some pictures

Sorry it's not much of a blog, but just some pics of the G-man for your viewing pleasure! I will have a better post at the end of this week if I have time. Lots of things going's appointments, new jobs, etc! Excitement abounds!

Here's our water baby jumping into the pool. He LOVES the water!

Uncle Boo at Grayson sitting on a rock at Dixon Springs.

Brushing his teeth with his KISS toothbrush. It plays "Rock n' Roll All Night" while he brushes his teeth. It's pretty awesome!

My little monkey man sitting in a tree. He did not want to come down!

Being a daredevil and standing up in his swing.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fun times - with pictures to prove it!

These are some taken from a birthday party yesterday:

Erica's neice, Maggie, kept trying to give Grayson kisses. It was so cute!

Grayson is "getting her piggies!" After he would "take" them from her, he would "give them back"

Being silly and playing in the floor.

So mischevious!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Well, let's see.. there has been quite alot going on with us in the past month or so. Chris is no longer selling life insurance. He's been playing Mr. Mom - a job that he's most equipped for. :) The timing of his unemployment actually happened at a good time. My stepdad retired from his job and has been keeping both himself and Chris busy. They put together Grayson's swingset (No pictures yet, but I will post some I promise!) and will be spending the next few days moving furniture and tearing up carpet in my parent's house in preparation for their new hardwood floors that are being installed later this week!! Busy busy!

Grayson is growing up so fast. He has learned to say "Thank you" among a plethora of other words. One of his favorite things (at the moment) are his pair of Batman crocs. He LOVES those! He asks for them when he wakes up and any other time he might not have them on. I honestly don't know what we'll do when he outgrows them. I guess I will either have to find a bigger size or hope that he has moved on to something else to love so much.

I have a ton of pictures that I need to post, and I will do that later this week sometime. Until then, I hope all is well with everyone!

Friday, June 12, 2009

My Loopt Journal

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Chris has been forever talking about going to a Nascar race. I've been to Talladega, but that was years ago. It was a fun experience and I told Chris I'd be willing to go to one with him - even though Im not a huge fan.
Between work schedules and life in general, we just havent been able to go to a race. But, the Nationwide series (think minor leagues of Nascar) has a track in Nashville. We had talked about going, but that was months ago and nothing else really ever got said.
So, I decided to surprise the hubby. I made sure he didnt have anything planned and bought tickets for us to go!
It was alot of fun, and Im glad he enjoyed it. Plus, he got to see Carl Edwards, his favorite driver.
The view from our seats:

We got there early and found our seats. This is Chris taking it all in. :)

There was a full moon the night of the race. It was so awesome!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Playdate at the park!

We had a playdate at the park yesterday with Barrett and his mom, Jennifer. The boys wanted to see the ducks, so I grabbed the ziploc bag of Cheerios that I packed to take with us for a snack. It was the only thing I had that I figured the ducks would eat.

Barrett was into throwing the cheerios for the ducks and geese to eat. Grayson decided he would rather eat the cheerios than throw them. Silly boy!

Not too sure about the ducks.

With the look he's giving me, I imagine him saying "Mooom! That duck ate my cheerio!"

Looking at the water. Too cute!

He didnt like the racecar alot at first, but after a while he warmed up to it.

Barrett and Grayson racing!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Really?! REALLY!?!

So, on the way home from our playdate with Barrett, as I turned onto our road, I got behind a slow moving vehicle. This is not out of the ordinary.
As I got closer to it, I realized that why they were moving so slow... They had a storm door on the roof that was not in any way secured to the vehicle. The driver had her arm out her window holding on to it.

In the freaking rain, too!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's always an adventure

Grayson and I took a walk yesterday evening while we were waiting for Chris to get home from work. He loves to be outside, and his utter amazement with simple things makes me smile. It's always an adventure with him.

He found a worm on the road while we walking:

He got his hands dirty, and he hates that. He's angrily wiping them off:

He walked to the barn pointing at it and yelling "Gah Cah!" which is Grayson-ese for golf cart.
He was desperately trying to get in.

This is just one I snapped quickly. Notice the ginormous mosquito bite on his temple.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy Weekend!

I took a vacation day today and had the day off. I don't have to go back til Tuesday! Wahoo! Chris is playing tomorrow night at Grand Rivers for the Street Dance. A good friend is in town from Memphis, so we're all hitting the town after the gig.
Speaking of gigs, here are some pictures from when the band played at the March of Dimes Walk a couple of weeks ago.

Playing drums with Daddy

He loved the keyboard!

He totally knew how cute he was playing the keyboard. He's totally hamming it up!

This is one of my favorites. :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rocky Mountain Spotless Non-Fever

One Sunday night a few weeks ago, I became aware of a knot/lump under my arm. I went to the doctor the next day with no symptoms at all - just a knot that concerned me. The doctor ran some routine labwork, which included a Lyme Disease test and a test for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever since I had been bitten by a tick about a week before. He prescribed antibiotics and told me if I wasn't better by Wednesday, that I needed to come back to the office.

Wednesday, the knot was still there and my entire side was sore. I went back to the doctor where he ordered a chest x-ray and more bloodwork. I got an antibiotic injection and a different prescription. I was told if there was no change by Friday, I needed to go back.

On Friday, while I was at work, the doctor's office called with my lab results from my initial visit on Monday. The verdict: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

Mind you, I never had any symptoms of RMSF.
-I never had a rash. (They actually dubbed what I had as "Rocky Mountain SpotLESS Fever" since I had no spots.)
-I never had a fever
Just a lump.

I was told to take my antibioitcs and if I started showing any symptoms at all to go to the ER.

For some reason, that weekend I was unable to keep my antibiotics down. It went on and progressed from not being able to hold the meds to down, to me not being able to keep anything down at all.

Sunday night, after two days with no antibiotics and no food, I decided to go to the ER. Chris and I went to WBH.
-We got there about 10 pm
-Got put in a room about 11.
-The nurse came in about 12:30.
-The doctor came in about 2am and ordered some bloodwork and wanted an IV started.
-About 3, the nurse came back in and drew blood, started an IV, and gave me some Zofran for my nausea. He said it would take at least an hour to get the labs back.
-At 5 am, the doctor came back in and said that my bloodwork was fine and there was no indication of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. He was a bit baffled by my bloodwork, though, and decided to refer me to a infectious disease specialist. I was told that he would page said specialist at 6 am.
- At 7 am, the nurse came in with my discharge papers. I was told that the specialist wanted to see me that morning at 9:30.

At this point, Chris and I both have had virtually no sleep whatsoever. We opted to drive all the way home for about an hour's sleep, and then head right back to the hospital for my appointment with the infectious disease guy.

I.D doctor didn't seem to know what it was that was bothering me. He told me to come back in a couple of weeks and have all my labwork redone.


For now, I am lump-free, and I still have no rash and no fever.

Go figure.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Butter on a bald monkey

I have decided that I will electronically bombard my husband with cheesy pick-up lines.

Fun times are bound to occur.


My first shall be:

I love the way you move, like butter on a bald monkey.

I'm not entirely sure what it means, but it's funny.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Well, ma'am, you're an idiot.

Here is a conversation that I just had with a woman here at work.

I tried to explain medications that left her dog here for like 2 weeks. I told her that this particular medication was to be given as needed when the dog started coughing.

Her response: What does that mean?
Me - (thinking what I just said was pretty self explanatory): When he starts coughing, give him one of these pills.
Her: Do dogs cough?Me (mentally slamming my head into the wall): Yes.
Her: Well, how do I know when he's coughing?
Me: He'll physically cough. And he'll make noise. If you're around him and he's doing it, you'll know.
Her: Is that what that hacking sound he does is?
Me: Yes. (Still trying to maintain my composure.)
Her: Oooh. I would've never thought that dogs can cough.

Welcome to my world.....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some background, please

My name is Stacey, but I've been dubbed Staserbeam. I married Chris in August 2006, after knowing him less than a year. Our son, Grayson, was born in November 2007. We live in Marshall county next door to my mom, who looks after G while Chris and I work. I work as a receptionist for a veterinarian in Draffenville and Chris currently sells life insurance.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fun at Chuck E. Cheese

Grayson had such a good time dancing and sliding! He didnt care about the rides or games at all. He just wanted to slide and dance!