Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rocky Mountain Spotless Non-Fever

One Sunday night a few weeks ago, I became aware of a knot/lump under my arm. I went to the doctor the next day with no symptoms at all - just a knot that concerned me. The doctor ran some routine labwork, which included a Lyme Disease test and a test for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever since I had been bitten by a tick about a week before. He prescribed antibiotics and told me if I wasn't better by Wednesday, that I needed to come back to the office.

Wednesday, the knot was still there and my entire side was sore. I went back to the doctor where he ordered a chest x-ray and more bloodwork. I got an antibiotic injection and a different prescription. I was told if there was no change by Friday, I needed to go back.

On Friday, while I was at work, the doctor's office called with my lab results from my initial visit on Monday. The verdict: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

Mind you, I never had any symptoms of RMSF.
-I never had a rash. (They actually dubbed what I had as "Rocky Mountain SpotLESS Fever" since I had no spots.)
-I never had a fever
Just a lump.

I was told to take my antibioitcs and if I started showing any symptoms at all to go to the ER.

For some reason, that weekend I was unable to keep my antibiotics down. It went on and progressed from not being able to hold the meds to down, to me not being able to keep anything down at all.

Sunday night, after two days with no antibiotics and no food, I decided to go to the ER. Chris and I went to WBH.
-We got there about 10 pm
-Got put in a room about 11.
-The nurse came in about 12:30.
-The doctor came in about 2am and ordered some bloodwork and wanted an IV started.
-About 3, the nurse came back in and drew blood, started an IV, and gave me some Zofran for my nausea. He said it would take at least an hour to get the labs back.
-At 5 am, the doctor came back in and said that my bloodwork was fine and there was no indication of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. He was a bit baffled by my bloodwork, though, and decided to refer me to a infectious disease specialist. I was told that he would page said specialist at 6 am.
- At 7 am, the nurse came in with my discharge papers. I was told that the specialist wanted to see me that morning at 9:30.

At this point, Chris and I both have had virtually no sleep whatsoever. We opted to drive all the way home for about an hour's sleep, and then head right back to the hospital for my appointment with the infectious disease guy.

I.D doctor didn't seem to know what it was that was bothering me. He told me to come back in a couple of weeks and have all my labwork redone.


For now, I am lump-free, and I still have no rash and no fever.

Go figure.


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