Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring is here! Woohoo!

Yay! I'm so glad that Old Man Winter has seemed to move on out of the area. I'm all about some springtime!
The weather has been so nice lately, but the stupid pollen count has been so INCREDIBLY high, it's been hard to get outside with both of the boys. Jackson gets a bit snotty, so I've had to limit his outside time until the counts go down a bit.

So, while Big Brother has been able to get outside and ride his new toy (see below!) Baby J is catching up on some Z's.

Chris and Grayson at Noble Park watching the ducks.

Chris and I got Grayson a new John Deere Gator Power Wheels to play outside on. He loves it. He calls it his "green truck." It's so great to see him drive it around the yard. He'll be driving a car before we know it!


Mrs. Snugglebunny

I love your pictures

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