Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Since our only neighbors are my parents and there is nowhere within walking distance to trick or treat, we suited the boys up to make our rounds to the family.We went next door to see my mom and stepdad first.  
Grayson was not in a very good mood as he had not napped at all. We gave him a pixie stick to intentionally sugar him up! Jack could care less about what was going on.

Jackson the Ham Lion

What? A shark in a tree!?

We ended up trick or treating in my dad's neighborhood. This was taken at the house across the street from my dad. These people go all out for Halloween, even putting up a haunted house in the front yard. Grayson was none too fond of this guy on stilts.

Dad and Jack before the long night of trick-or-treating. I have never seen so many trick or treaters in my life. We handed out over 2500 pieces of candy! There was a constant stream of people for a good 2 hours! It was crazy!


Mrs. Snugglebunny

your boys are so cute!

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