Monday, July 13, 2009

Fun times - with pictures to prove it!

These are some taken from a birthday party yesterday:

Erica's neice, Maggie, kept trying to give Grayson kisses. It was so cute!

Grayson is "getting her piggies!" After he would "take" them from her, he would "give them back"

Being silly and playing in the floor.

So mischevious!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Well, let's see.. there has been quite alot going on with us in the past month or so. Chris is no longer selling life insurance. He's been playing Mr. Mom - a job that he's most equipped for. :) The timing of his unemployment actually happened at a good time. My stepdad retired from his job and has been keeping both himself and Chris busy. They put together Grayson's swingset (No pictures yet, but I will post some I promise!) and will be spending the next few days moving furniture and tearing up carpet in my parent's house in preparation for their new hardwood floors that are being installed later this week!! Busy busy!

Grayson is growing up so fast. He has learned to say "Thank you" among a plethora of other words. One of his favorite things (at the moment) are his pair of Batman crocs. He LOVES those! He asks for them when he wakes up and any other time he might not have them on. I honestly don't know what we'll do when he outgrows them. I guess I will either have to find a bigger size or hope that he has moved on to something else to love so much.

I have a ton of pictures that I need to post, and I will do that later this week sometime. Until then, I hope all is well with everyone!