Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Family Valentine's Day 2011

Just a few pictures of us enjoying our Valentine's Day as a family. The weather was warmer, so we took full advantage and went for a walk around the lake.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow and more snow!

Oh, how we enjoyed those 50 degree days a week or so ago!  On Monday morning, I started out to work around 6:30 as usual and the snow had just started. By 11:00, we had more than 4 inches already. My boss decided to close early (thank goodness) and we accumulated right at 8 inches by the end of the day! Since the weather had been rainy the few days before the snow, the highway department was unable to treat roadways for freezing and snow. There were multiple wrecks just about everywhere and even snowplows were having trouble getting where they needed to be because of the traffic being at a standstill due to some accidents.
Yesterday was a pretty calm day, and the roads weren't bad once they were cleared off.  We even headed over to the in-laws to meet up with Sarah and her boys to play.

Cameron, Grayson and Cadin playing on the snowy trampoline.

Today, the forecast called for a few flurries. A few flurries actually ended up totaling  at least 4 more inches of snow for us on top of the 8 we got Monday!

This is what our road looked like at 2pm today:

Behind our house:

Today was not a good day to get outside and play. The temperature hovered in the teens and the wind was pretty strong.  To keep everyone occupied and warm, Chris played some of his old cds, and he and the boys danced around.

Grayson dancing to Reel Big Fish in his underwear. 

Resting together in the glider.

This picture makes me smile every time!

Jack giving kisses

Grayson hamming it up

We love the snow; it's pretty and all that, but this family is really ready for spring!!